Tramontana is blowing
Spot DescriptionTramontana and the bay of Roses has been a fixed term for all wind- and kitesurfers since time immemorial.
But honestly: it is not getting more with Tramontana but rather less, unfortunately. Probably this effect is also related to climate change. In the past, this strong north wind blew through almost the whole winter and everyone who did not windsurf wished for this strong, cold wind somewhere, but today you look for it in vain.
But when it is there and it is not too strong and not too cold, our hearts leap higher. And that was exactly the case all last week, shortly after some statistics circulated beforehand that more than depressed us.
We want to tell you a bit more about the spots in L'Escala, because we were able to test all of them the last few days. L'Escala is located at the southern end of the bay of Roses, the Tramontana blows side shore from the left, like in Sant Pere Pescador.
Riuet is a well-known spot that borders directly on the long sandy beach of Sant Pere Pescador. You never surf alone here, many locals have stored their equipment here and the spot is very accessible, you can park and set up right on the beach. A few small sandbanks near the shore allow small waves to break, last week they were very big at times, so that you thought you were on the Atlantic.
Sant Marti d'Empuries is known as "the" wave spot of the Bay of Roses. And that attracts many from far and wide. Since there was wide freedom of movement again in Catalonia last week, many could finally come here "legally" again. On Saturday and Sunday, the conditions were very big and the current also really treacherous, so this spot was really reserved for the best. But it was really impressive to watch.
And it's exactly on these days, when the wind is too strong or the waves are huge, that the Riells spot comes into its own. This man-made fine sandy bathing bay is populated by bathers in the summer months, but in winter we water sports enthusiasts have it to ourselves. The wind is a little weaker here and the waves are not quite as big. Above all, you can simply go into the water and then sail back and forth parallel to the waves. The wind blows more or less onshore here.
Our arms hurt, but the adrenaline in our bodies just makes us hope for the next Tramontana to come very very soon - we also wouldn't mind it a bit warmer (-:
Pics from Sant Marti kindly given from Tanja Kaufmann - Thanks!